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Medical Peels

Chemical Peeling Munich

Skin that radiates health and vitality always looks fresher, regardless of age. A smooth, even stratum corneum reflects the light and creates a natural glow effect. Medical peels (chemical peels) can be used to treat skin problems such as acne, pigmentation spots, melasma and wrinkles and, with regular use, stimulate collagen production in the long term.


Ingredients of Medical Peels

I mainly use fruit acids for the chemical peels in my practice in Munich. These are AHA and BHA (alpha and beta hydroxy acids), such as mandelic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Compared to fruit acid peels in beauty salons, the active ingredients in the medical peel are used in highly effective combinations and concentrations.

Fruit Acid Peeling Munich

Effect of Medical Peels

Regular medical peels ensure that the horny layer of the skin becomes thinner and more regular. By stimulating collagen synthesis, however, the deeper skin layers tend to become thicker and firmer overall. The pigmentation becomes more even. All my peels are painless and safe treatments. As the strength can be individually determined, the effect spectrum ranges from a pure glow effect by removing the superficial horny layer to a medium-deep effect with more pronounced peeling. However, an extreme peeling effect à la Samantha in Sex and the City is not desired or expected with superficial to medium-deep peels.


Treatment procedure for a Medical Peel

For each medical peel in my practice in Munich, the concentration and application time are individually determined and checked by a doctor. After the peel has been applied, it must be neutralised. A regenerating serum and a skin-soothing mask are then applied.

After the peel

After a chemical peel, the skin should only be cared for with very mild alcohol- and fragrance-free products for about a week. Active ingredients such as retinol must be temporarily avoided. Since the treatment makes the skin more sensitive to light, the sun must be avoided for 6 weeks after a peel and a daily sunscreen with at least sun protection factor 30 must be applied.

Further details about this treatment method can be explained in a personal conversation.

Treatment duration: 30 min

Onset of action: immediate effect, long-term improvement of skin quality

Downtime: reddening and scaling possible after 2 - 3 days (depending on peel thickness)

Durability / repetition: for a long-term effect, 3 - 6 peels are recommended at intervals of 3 - 4 weeks, followed by annual refresher treatments

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